Who We Are

We’re a group of imperfect people, loved by a perfect God and called to something greater than we can even imagine. We seek to be a community of Christ followers, loving Jesus and others. And as an outpouring of God’s overwhelming love and work in our own lives, we want to be a group of people who are making a difference in the lives of others in our homes, city and world.

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We’re Better Together!

You are important to God and important to us. Truly. It doesn’t matter where you come from, what you’ve done or what has been done to you, your worth is beyond measure, and we want to help you discover that truth.  Our world can be a lonely and isolating place. The church is not a building – it’s ordinary people living and working together, sharing the extraordinary love of Jesus in our homes, city, and world. It’s loving others wherever we are and wherever people are. To do this, we need each other. We need connection. We need you. 

Our Mission

Big Creek Church is a body of followers of Jesus Christ. His love for us drives our desire to Know Him, to Grow in His Word, to Go share His gospel and to Sow to His Kingdom’s work. 

To KNOW Jesus Christ, we prayerfully commit:

  • To continually remind believers of our new birth and new creation in Christ
  • To continually teach the gospel to our children, youth and seeking attenders

To GROW in His Word, we prayerfully commit:

  • To teach the entire truth of scripture
  • To know and practice the spiritual gifts to build up the body in love
  • To offer studies, classes and events leading the church to maturity in His Word

To GO share His Gospel we prayerfully commit to the Great Commission:

  • By being a faithful and loving witness in our families and communities
  • By supporting our missionaries as the Lord leads individually and as a body
  • By demonstrating mercy and benevolence toward those in need

To SOW to His kingdom’s work, we prayerfully commit:

  • To seek His direction in the stewardship of the resources with which He has blessed us
  • To give joyfully from our hearts without obligation
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Our History

Our church was launched in 2008 as a satellite campus of Calvary Church with the intent that someday we would grow to be self-sufficient. That day came in May of 2021, when the Big Creek members voted to become an independent church within the EFCA and with Gary Gann as the Senior Pastor. As of 2023, we have completed the transition to become an independent EFCA church and we are ever so grateful for the prayers, assistance and encouragement we have had from Calvary Church.