Specific Ways to Pray for Big Creek Church

Pray for wisdom and good time management for the staff, elders and transition team as they all have a lot on their plates as we officially become Big Creek Church.

Pray for our congregation to be unified and step up to what God is calling each of us to do in support of His kingdom.
“Lord, give our church community a common sense of purpose so that we can be known as a people that live out the gospel, faithfully serving others with love, hope and grace in their neighborhoods. Pray that we find great energy and joy living in the city as we see its beauty and brokenness through God’s eyes.”

Ways to Pray Any Time

Pray for your heart
When your connection with your Heavenly Father is strong, it prepares you to contribute to His Kingdom. Praise God for creating you and for how much He loves you. Recognize the gift of a relationship with Jesus Christ. Ask for forgiveness for when you take that relationship for granted. Present your requests to God and ask Him to strengthen your relationship. Praise God that you are a part of Christ’s body – the Church! Recognize the gift of being a part of a community of believers.  Ask Him to help you love your church and support your fellow believers.

Pray for your family
Remember, God has you in your family for a reason! Praise God for His wisdom to have you be a part of your family. Recognize the gift of a family, whatever yours may look like. Ask for forgiveness for times when you have not treated your family well. Present your requests to God. Ask Him to help you love your family better each day.

Pray for friends and coworkers
Praise God for creating each one of your friends. Recognize the gift of friends and friendship. Ask for forgiveness for times you haven’t shown God’s love to others. Request that God gives you chances to talk about your faith with friends, neighbors and coworkers.

Pray for our nation
In a time of division and strife, prayer for our nation and its people is more important than ever. Praise God for the gift of living in a nation where you can live out your faith freely. Ask Him to help you bring understanding, love, and kindness to a divided culture.

Pray for your world
Pray for those who live in places that don’t have the same religious freedoms as you and pray that God’s Word would reach everyone across the globe. Praise God for his power and craftmanship in creating the world. Recognize the gift that God has given in the wonders of His creation. Ask Him to spread His peace throughout the world.

Pray for persecuted Christians around the world

How can we pray for you?