ChurchCenterWhat is Church Center? is our church portal app for everyone at Big Creek Church, whether you’re interested in events or wanting to try out a small group or engage as a volunteer.  Church Center is the app feature of our church software, Planning Center, so you may hear that term sometimes too.

To get the app on your phone, look in your favorite app store for Church Center with this icon.  After you install it, look for Big Creek Church and connect.

Personalized Experience

If you attend Big Creek Church and have a church profile, you can use login for a more personalized experience. When logged in, you will find ways to stay connected with any of your growth or serving groups. Group leaders can send out notifications and resources through this app.

Logging In

You can create your profile with your primary email or phone number. Consistently using the same email and phone number will ensure you are correctly identified each time you sign up or register for an event.   You can still join a group without creating a profile; we’ll confirm your information with you at a later date via the email you use for signing up.
But it’s easier to get started here yourself.  This is also the best way to update your information at the church if you move, get a new email address, etc.

Authentication Code

When you log into Church Center, the system will send you a text or an email with an authentication code. This feature is to confirm your identity and enhance the security around your data. We recommend login in using your phone number as we find this the easier of the two options.

Trouble Shooting

Not Receiving Email Notifications??  If you find you are not receiving any Church Center emails, they are likely being caught in your junk mail folder.  To allow these emails, either 1) add all of the following emails to your contacts or 2) whitelist these addresses in your spam filter.  If you need help, email